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2021 Sports Technology Awards – Tips for Drafting the Best Submission

Our Tips for Drafting the Best Submission

As the entry deadline for the 2021 Sports Technology Awards looms and you add the finishing touches on your forms, we are getting a lot of similar questions about what can make your submission stand out.


We are always delighted to help, so here’s a list of our top tips

1. Review the Category Criteria

This sounds obvious but by ensuring you truly understand what is being asked for you are not only likely to give stronger answers (and impress the judges more), you will be sure that you are entering the best award for your work

The entry form is very clear about what is being asked but if you aren’t sure – ask. We want to support you in securing the best chance of success

2. Mind your Language

We experience two issues here; we have entries from around the world and very occasionally things do get a little lost in translation. The other problem is when people cloud facts with hyperbole (avoid words like ‘tremendous’, ‘awesome’, ‘astonishing’ – if our judges feel it, they will say it!).

The word count on the form is low to help entries focus on key information, rather than non-fact embellishment. Finally, do your brand a favour and get a someone to review your form to ensure it is a clear, exciting read.

3. Better a Week Early than Half a Day Late

Entries really don’t take that long once you have the information. Set aside 30 minutes to review the entry form and understand what you need to prepare – including logos, support information from colleagues, payment method etc. Allow a week or two of email chasing and research to collate this, then, once you have gathered the information, set aside 90 mins to fill in the form. Doing this makes the process so much easier – and ensures you don’t incur late entry fees!

4. How to Manage Multiple Entries

Very reasonably, for many brands it is impossible to only choose one category. If you are going to submit work into several awards, we strongly recommend that you tailor your entry for each category.

There is a strong chance that judges will see your work in several categories – which is good – but we have noticed they tend to mark down if they see that no attempt has been made to relate the entry to the category; copy and paste is not your friend here! 

5. The Harder the Facts, The Better the Entry

Our judges all sign NDAs before they can see any entry information so anything you share with them is protected. We realize that you might be cautious with anything very commercially sensitive but, as a rule, numbers are better than percentages, percentages are better than endorsements, endorsements are better than nothing!

6. Being Shortlisted IS a Win

Brands that don’t celebrate being on the shortlist are missing a commercial trick – not least of all as it is really, really hard to make the cut. Sometimes the difference between the winner and the brand coming second is a tiny margin so if you make the shortlist, celebrate this as major success!

Our judges work hard at reviewing your submissions because they love what you do so if you have any questions about entering The Sports Technology Awards, just let us know. We believe that ‘as the tide rises so do all the boats’ so the better the entries, the better it is for everyone.

You can start your entry here 

Good luck!